ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ City University | Achieving Our Goals


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Achieving Our Goals

OCU PA Program has a mission to prepare physician assistants who are competent in the art and science of medicine, so they may improve lives in the communities they serve.

Therefore, the OCU Goals were formed with help from our community and university leaders including Physicians, Physician Assistants, Medical Educators and Administrators. The OCU PA Program is committed to proving that our goals are being met and the students are obtaining the learning outcomes that allow them to become competent providers.

The PA Program’s ongoing self-assessment process highlights the successes of the program in achieving its goals. This program will provide the following as evidence of accomplishing its goals:

  1. NCCPA PASS Rate Summary for Last Five Years
  2. New Employer Satisfaction Survey Results
  3. Exit and Graduate Satisfaction Survey Results
  4. Student Performance on Outcome Measures (Medical Knowledge, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Patient Care, Professionalism, Practice-based Learning and Improvement, and System-based Learning)

Goals – The OCU PA Program sets forth 5 aspirational goals for our students and 97% graduate respondents feel they achieve these Goals.

1. To graduate PAs possessing a thorough understanding of disease mechanisms.

The program provides a comprehensive curriculum of basic and clinical sciences delivered in a systems-based format. During the initial didactic phase, the transition from acquiring medical knowledge to putting it into practice is facilitated by frequent use of simulated patients and an early introduction to patients. Confirmation of knowledge is assessed through objective testing, performance on procedural skills, evaluations from early patient interactions and a summative examination process.

A 2023 survey of our graduates, with 82% reporting, rated sufficiently in meeting this goal with a 4.25/5.0 (n = 28, 82% of the class of 2023)

2. To graduate PAs proficient in the application of critical thought to medical decision making.

More than simply memorizing facts, the art of medicine requires the practitioner to apply logic and reasoning to achieve healing. These principles are taught and practiced in the didactic curriculum in small group discussions, through interactions with simulated patients and through a commitment to the teachings of humanism in medicine. Confirmation that critical thought is developing appropriately is assessed by evaluations on objective written examinations, objective structured clinical examinations and by observations of preceptors in the clinical year.

A 2023 survey of our graduates, with 82% reporting, rated sufficiently in meeting this goal with a 4.32/5.0 (n = 28, 82% of the class of 2023)

3. To graduate PAs with an exemplary sense of community service through a team-based model of health care delivery.

Graduate PAs are in a unique position to have a tremendous impact on the communities in which they live and work. Paramount is their ability to provide compassionate care to marginalized citizens with the breadth of care multiplied through a team-based approach. During their tenure with the PA program, students will participate in such collaborative environments in charitable clinics throughout ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ City. Confirmation that students attain this goal will be accomplished through analysis of survey data from frequent experiences serving the health care needs of the uninsured and working poor alongside physician and PA role models.

A 2023 survey of our graduates, with 82% reporting, rated sufficiently in meeting this goal with a 4.61/5.0 (n = 28, 82% of the class of 2023)

4. To graduate PAs who are servant leaders in patient-centered practices.

Servant leadership is an ancient philosophy based on putting the needs of others first and helping people develop and perform to the best of their abilities. This philosophy is consistent with patient-centered care, which strives to improve outcomes by strengthening the provider-patient relationship, by providing care in consultation with patients and by replacing the provider-centered system with one from the patient’s viewpoint. Students will become familiar with this type of practice in the didactic phase and will gain hands-on experience working directly with PA program faculty who function as servant leaders in charitable clinics in the metro area. Indeed, servant leadership is a strategic initiative of the University and one embodied by the PA Program. Confirmation that students attain this goal will be accomplished through analysis of survey data from frequent experiences in patient-centered care practices.

A 2023 survey of our graduates, with 82% reporting, rated sufficiently in meeting this goal with a 4.61/5.0 (n = 28, 82% of the class of 2023)

5. To graduate PAs committed to life-long learning.

Our understanding of medical science increases each day. To keep up, practitioners must commit themselves to constant study throughout their careers. The discipline to maintain this effort begins with matriculation into the program. Students will learn the value of, and how to practice evidence-based medicine. Being at ease with how to access and interpret the literature will provide the foundation for this way of life for the benefit of the graduate’s future patients. Confirmation that students strive for this goal will be assessed by evaluation of their ability to access and discuss the medical literature during the didactic and clinical phases of the program.

A 2023 survey of our graduates, with 82% reporting, rated sufficiently in meeting this goal with a 4.75/5.0 (n = 28, 82% of the class of 2023)

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