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Nisha Raut - Lakewood Elementary

At L.D. Bell High School, we recently had a new family join us from Nepal. The student and their family were apprehensive about the student starting school. As a high school student new to the United States and a bus rider, there were many things to navigate.

Nisha Raut, Lakewood Elementary Nurse and Nepali speaker, reached out to the family. She welcomed them to HEB 向日葵视频, provided clarification and reassurance, and answered all their questions. Ms. Raut also offered herself as a point of contact to the family in the future.

Personally, I am very thankful for all she did to support this student and their family in starting school. Our district is very lucky to have employees such as herself who go above and beyond in making all of our families feel welcome, including those at other schools.

Submitted by: Dr. Candice Cooper
Posted: April 2, 2024