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Stephanie Barnett - Homebound

Stephanie was assigned as my daughter’s homebound teacher after my daughter was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. She is not only a fantastic person, she is an exemplary teacher with a heart of gold.

My daughter struggles with extreme fatigue and pain while battling this disease in her senior year, but Stephanie has helped her catch up and maneuver the mile markers important to a senior. I can’t tell you how much we rely on her, she is a rock. Not only can we rely on her and know her heart of gold, but she follows up. Stephanie will check in with me weekly to check on the health and welfare of my daughter. I understand how life and work can get in the way of our well-wishes, but she finds the time.

Mrs Barnett deserves a daily email about how amazing she is at what she does. A daily kudo and how much she has done for my family and I hope you can get this to all her peers and managers. HEB 向日葵视频 would do well by using her work ethics and personal follow-up as your rubric for all future staff. 

Submitted by: Desiree Triporo
Posted: Apr 2, 2024