FAQs about Advanced Academics

  • Can students self-select into advanced academics classes in secondary school if they do not automatically qualify?

  • Aren’t gifted strategies good for all students?

  • How do I find out about elementary programs for the gifted in HEB 向日葵视频?

  • Are transfer students who have been in a gifted program automatically admitted to HEB 向日葵视频 gifted programs?

  • Can a student participate in International Baccalaureate program and still participate in extra-curricular activities?

  • What are the differences between the Advanced Placement program and the International Baccalaureate program?

  • Can my child transfer from outside the district into HEB 向日葵视频 to participate in the International Baccalaureate program?

  • How can I find information about the International Baccalaureate Program in HEB 向日葵视频?

  • How does this district serve identified gifted students in secondary school?